

发布时间:2015-09-14 来源:澳门赌场大学 【字号:  

Lao shi men, Tong xue men, shang wu hao!

  First of all, it’s a great honour to stand here and represent the 2015 international students at UCAS.

  My name is Christina, I am from Denmark and I am a student here at UCAS at the SDC master-program Public Management and Social Development.

  Before going here I studied Anthropology and political science in Aarhus and have been on exchange in Australia.

  Representing the international and especially the Danish students, I would like to tell you a bit about how it moving to China, how it is to study here, and the future that awaits us.


  Let’s just admit it - moving to China is a big deal!

  The decision is related to a lot of thoughts, feelings and doubts:

  Will I be able to live in China for two years?

  Am I as clever as the other students?

  Will I be eating anything else than rice?

  Lets not forget that it’s not only the international students who have moved a long way to study here.

  Also, many of my fellow Chinese classmates are a long way from home. We have given up our place to live, we will not see our friends and families for a long time, and we have definitely moved out of our comfort zone.

  I am sure that we have all had the same thoughts and ideas about how living and studying in Beijing will be like – whether you are studying social or natural science or whether you are from Denmark or China.

  Despite all the doubts, all the goodbyes, all the paperwork, it has all been worth it.

  I think I speak for all of us, when I say that curiosity brought us here – the reason why we are here is because we want to learn; both on and off campus. Now is the time for us to learn about the world and learn about each other.

  Within the frames of UCAS and Sino-Danish Centre we have the opportunity to do this.

  In our first week of lectures we have already got a taste of the wide span of our education program – we learn how to look at issues and cases from different perspectives, both a Northern European one and a Chinese one. We learn that context is everything.

  The lens through which we observe the world will be focused on the relationship between China and Denmark. The scope of this lens will be made in collaboration between Danish and Chinese students.


  In the international UCAS classroom we have the chance to work with people from different cultural and educational backgrounds.

  We are given the chance to discuss, to disagree and to find common ground. This will benefit us all in the long run.

  Being able to help each other and provide each other with new perspectives is priceless in all aspects of life.

  Looking at the future in terms of jobs, the ability to reach compromises and the willingness to learn about other cultures is crucial.

  Whether you are going to work in Denmark, China or Hawaii, and no matter what state or industry you are working for, intercultural understanding is priceless and necessary.


  It is no secret that the whole world is looking at China.

  China has a lot to offer in terms of knowledge, technology and business. In the light of its size, many companies and countries are interested in taking advantage of the enormous Chinese market. Many countries and companies are eager to work with and in China.

  In that relation we often use the term “international co-operation”. We underline its importance again and again, but what do we really mean by it?

  We often forget that it is real persons collaborating across borders – there is no such thing as a faceless company. No business relations without relations between persons.

  And that is why our teamwork, our ability to understand and work together, and our willingness to learn about each other and find common ground will determine the success of future international collaborations.

  With that said, I would like to thank UCAS and SDC once again for giving me the opportunity to stand here and represent all the international students.

  I am looking very much forward to seeing how our friendships will evolve and what they will bring in the future.


  Thank you!

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